About the Hosts

Jay & Tiffany Paulson, Directors

Jay and Tiffany are the current directors of Living Springs Ranch. Jay took over the ministry from his grandparents (Dean and Cordie Barber) in 2005, and Tiffany joined him in 2009 when they were married right here at the ranch. Living full-time on the property they oversee all aspects of the ministry.

They both feel a strong call on their lives to help other Christians be more effective and encouraged in their ministries. In 2007 Tiffany went to England for a year of volunteer work with a Christian charity. She saw many people devoting their lives to the work of Christ to the point of exhaustion. That experience placed a calling on her heart for ministering to the ministers.

Jay and Tiffany are very excited about reaching out together to offer hope for weary workers at Living Springs Ranch.

Dean & Cordie Barber, Founders

For nearly 50 years Dean and Cordie have owned Living Springs Ranch. They had the original vision to create a place of refuge for Christians in need.

In 2000 they moved off of the ranch for health reasons and transitioned to their new role as overseers of the ministry. While not involved in the day to day operations of the ministry, they still are involved by offering prayer, counsel, and support. Dean and Cordie still frequently come out to the ranch to work on small projects and tend the flowers.


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Living Springs Ranch
5318 S. Swenson Rd.
Deer Park, WA 99006